Telling the story of professional athletes and the foundations they support in a live, streaming, interactive, fan driven web series.
What is Sports City Chicago? Sports City Chicago – is a fan driven, story driven, live, interactive experience that highlights Chicago area professional athletes, takes you behind the scenes, and gives you an inside look into their journey and the way they give back to their communities.
Like an “Inside The Actor’s Studio” with Athletes, our show is filmed before a live online audience. Rather than statistics, scores and numbers… real people ask real questions to professional athletes out of uniform, connecting one on one.
Unlike traditional media we have a live interactive experience in every webcast. We take fans to athlete foundation events, live, where THEY get the opportunity to ask questions on the Red Carpet. Fans who miss the live stream can catch up on our broadcast at www.sportscitychicago.com . Or they can subscribe to our video, or audio podcast in iTunes.Fans of Sports City Chicago - get involved with athlete foundations, meeting other fans and supporting great causes? We get the word out on upcoming events via twitter and our Facebook page so they can make plans to network with other Sports City Chicago fans.
Is it just Chicago?
We are based in Chicago, however our future goal is to take Sports City Chicago to other cities (titling the show accordingly of course).
How Kickstarter Works For Us:
We believe that this type of coverage should be free. We do not have a subscription model, or premium content. We would prefer to keep it that way. We are currently looking to fund 16 Webisodes.
For each Webisode, there is a 3 part process.
Part One: Live Streaming Interview with the Athlete and Fan Interaction.
Part Two: Live Streaming Mobile Broadcast at the Athlete's Foundation Event.
Part 3: Editing and Distribution Throughout Our Online Network As a token of appreciation we do have rewards for different types of coverage. If you need international shipping please add $10.00 to your donation.
Where does the money go?
The Money goes toward our talented production team of filmmakers, editors and producers. It does NOT go toward the athlete. Athletes come on the show to tell their story and discuss their foundations. We DO NOT pay for interviews.
Is there a Reward System?
This project is fan driven. So as an appreciation we have an excellent reward system
What if you do not get the money needed on Kickstarter?
If we receive our goal of $16,000 on Kickstarter, then we move forward with the proceeds. If not, then we receive absolutely nothing. Please do not allow that to happen.
If we see that you nearly reached your goal, can we EXCEED it?YES! That would be amazing and would allow us to get the word out and bring in a larger fan base, which is what this is all about.
Do you display my pledge amount?
No. However with some pledges you do have the opportunity to become a producer of the show. You can opt out of being a producer if you wish.
If I donate, when can I redeem the Reward?
Incentives and Rewards will only happen if we meed our goal. The DVD rewards are shipped at the end of the series. The Autographed jersey's are shipped once they are signed.
YES! You can do that at anytime. To do so, go to Kickstarter and sign in. Go to our campaign page. Select the blue “Manage Your Donation” button.
Finally, Sports City Chicago has created a new horizon in Sports Web Interactive Broadcasting. As far as we know it hasn't been done before. It is an exciting opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a truly unique adventure.
P.S. I will be holding video Q and A sessions live with regard to funding this project. Keep a look out for notices on the "updates" and "comments" page!
All the Best!Jason Groh
Executive Producer
Sports City Chicago
Have a question? If the info above doesn't help, you can ask the project creator directly.
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- First created · 0 backed
- Has not connected Facebook
- sportscitychicago.com
Pledge $1 or more
0 backers
• Thank you on the website (amount not listed) • First notice on any live events.
Pledge $5 or more
0 backers
• Thank you on the website (amount not listed). • First notice on any live events.
Pledge $15 or more
0 backers
• “Special Thanks” Credit in the Show (amount not listed). • Thank You on the website (amount not listed). • First notice on any live events.
Pledge $25 or more
0 backers
• “Special Thanks” Credit in the Show (amount not listed).. • Thank You on the website (amount not listed). • First notice on any live events.
Pledge $30 or more
0 backers
Pledge $30.00 • DVD of the Series. •Thank You on the website (amount not listed). • “Special Thanks” Credit in the Show (amount not listed). • First notice on any live events
Pledge $50 or more
0 backers
• Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy of the Series. • Thank You on the website (amount not listed). • “Special Thanks” Credit in the Show (amount not listed). • First notice on any live events.
Pledge $100 or more
0 backers
• “Associate Producer” Credit. • Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy of the Series. • Thank You on the website (amount not listed). • First notice of any live events.
Pledge $250 or more
0 backers
• Have your own personal 3 minute interview with our guest via webcam. •”Associate Producer” Credit •Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy of the Series •Thank You on the website (amount not listed). •First notice of any live events.
Pledge $500 or more
0 backers
• Have your own personal 3 minute interview with our guest “live on the show” via webcam. • “Associate Producer” Credit. • Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy of the Series. • Thank You on the website (amount not listed). • First notice of any live events.
Pledge $1,250 or more
0 backers
• Signed Jersey from the Athlete. • Be guest host and participant with the Athlete and Host on the show via webcam. • “Senior Producer” Credit. • Blu-Ray/DVD/Digital Copy of the Series. • Thank You on the website (amount not listed). • First notice of any live events.
Funding period
- (30 days)