We, The Gorgeous Oranges, will be recording our very fist full length album as well as launching our website!
We are launching our new full length album and website this summer, but to do so we are going to need a little help. We have a full week of recording March 7-12 followed by a month and a half of production. We need money to host a website for posting videos and blogs to keep everyone up to speed, plus the cost of producing and packaging the album. Please donate today and join the Gorgeous Oranges family.
Have a question? If the info above doesn't help, you can ask the project creator directly.
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Pledge $5 or more
0 backers
Any person who donates five or more bucks gets a free download of the album!
Pledge $15 or more
0 backers Limited (50 left of 50)
An awesome documentary DVD of the recording process plus interviews from the Gorgeous Oranges and several other Orlando Bands plus live performances.
Funding period
- (72 days)