A short run six volume periodical-highlighting Photography, Art, Music & Culture. Goal-to spread Art, plug You & help less fortunate.
In a short run, six volume periodical we hope to encase the boldness of art in all forms. With collections, highlighting artists of all forms including: Photography, Art, Music, Culture, etc we hope to spread the intellectual endeavors of passionate artists. While doing this we hope to bring awareness to the growing problematic areas particularly Homelessness in America. The name of the short run publication is Embark Music + Culture and it will be distributed by my wife and I, around the Los Angeles area. In accordance, we will hold approximately 3 "gallery evening shows highlighting our photography, art and music. At these shows we hope to sell art to continue our life's mission to help the less fortunate. In donating to the project you can rest assured that not only are you backing a trendy project but you will get to plug yourself in the magazine all while helping the homeless. It's a win, win, win, win. We and the Almighty Love you for anything you can contribute. And we look very much forward to our working together to "Break the Mold".
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- embarkmusic.com
Pledge $5 or more
0 backers
Personalized Thank You in Volume 2 of Embark Music + Culture Magazine
Pledge $20 or more
0 backers
Digital Copy of the Magazine and a High Resolution Photo Image of your choice and a personalized thank you in Volume 2 of Embark Music + Culture Magazine. Choose from the photos here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Embark-Music-Culture/160004257391847?sk=photos
Pledge $50 or more
0 backers
-Physical and Digital Copy of Magazine -High Resolution Digital Photo of your Choice and -A Personalized Thank You + Plug in Volume 2 of Embark Music + Culture Magazine. Choose from the photos here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Embark-Music-Culture/160004257391847?sk=photos
Pledge $100 or more
0 backers
-8x10 Print of your choice -Physical and Digital Copy of Magazine -High Resolution Digital Photo of your Choice and -A Personalized Thank You + Plug in Volume 2 of Embark Music + Culture Magazine. Choose from the photos here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Embark-Music-Culture/160004257391847?sk=photos
Pledge $350 or more
0 backers
-11x16 Print of your choice -Physical and Digital Copy of Magazine -High Resolution Digital Photo of your Choice and -A Personalized Thank You + Plug in Volume 2 of Embark Music + Culture Magazine. Choose from the photos here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Embark-Music-Culture/160004257391847?sk=photos
Pledge $750 or more
0 backers
-18x24 Print of your choice -Physical and Digital Copy of Magazine -High Resolution Digital Photo of your Choice and -A Personalized Thank You + Plug in Volume 2 of Embark Music + Culture Magazine. Choose from the photos here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Embark-Music-Culture/160004257391847?sk=photos
Pledge $1,000 or more
0 backers
-27x40 Print of your choice -Physical and Digital Copy of Magazine -25, ***** Star, High Resolution Digital Photos delivered on (new/reusable) Lacie usb portable 500gig hard drive. -A Personalized Thank You + Plug in Volume 2 of Embark Music + Culture Magazine. Choose from the photos here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Embark-Music-Culture/160004257391847?sk=photos
Funding period
- (90 days)