In 2010, while living on a NH farm, 13-year-old Max Lalanne wrote, directed, acted in, and edited his 18-minute Sci-Fi short AWAKENING.
In late 2010, while living on a NH farm, 13-year-old Max Lalanne wrote, directed, acted in, and edited his 18-minute Sci-Fi film "AWAKENING". In April, he'll receive the prestigious Remi Award at the 44th WorldFest International Film Festival in Houston, TX for this film.
“becoming AWAKENING” is a documentary short film tracing Max's filmmaking steps and the 6 day WorldFest experience through the reward ceremony and his exchanges with other filmmakers.
While the award-winning AWAKENING is a story of isolation and forgiveness, about a lone boy waking up in an empty field, realizes he’s targeted by masked mercenaries while learning the hard truth about his real identity, “becoming AWAKENING” is about the making of AWAKENING, and its young filmmaker Max Lalanne's first-handed experience as a Remi recipient at the world-renown International Film Festival in between Aril 13-17, 2011.
Rewards for donations of $2500.00 and above will receive free all-inclusive VIP Platinum Festival Passes to attend the 44th WorldFest International Film Festival! (Value of $500.00 each), WorldFest-Houston is one of the most prestigious international film festivals and takes pride in having given first honors to Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ang Lee, Ridley Scott, The Coen Brothers, David Lynch, Brian De Palma, Oliver Stone, Peter Weir, Spike Lee and many more.
What will the money raised go toward? Every penny (minus the fees for Kickstarter’s involvement) will go directly to the “become AWAKENING” documentary budget, this includes cover the expenses of the documentary, travel and cost of crew to WorldFest-Houston, location, editing, color correction, sound mixing, securing music rights, and building a website for the film as well of location cost.
Donations will also help support our distribution to future film festivals. Upon finishing, we will also contact grade through high schools to see if we may screen become AWAKENING in the hope to inspire other youngsters to follow Max’s footsteps in exploring the 7th Art.
MORE QUESTIONS? Write to: fk@hysteriaprod.com
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Pledge $12 or more
0 backers
A digital streaming of the film upon release.
Pledge $25 or more
0 backers
A digital streaming of the film upon release. Plus Special Thank You on our website and our Facebook page!
Pledge $50 or more
0 backers
Special Thank You on our website and our Facebook page, a "becoming AWAKENING" DVD, sent within 60 days of the funded project with 2 postcards and a personal thank you note.
Pledge $75 or more
0 backers
Special Thank You on our website and our Facebook page, a "becoming AWAKENING" DVD, sent within 60 days of the funded project, a special first-edition, numbered and signed 11x17 "becoming AWAKENING" poster, 6 postcards and a personal thank you note.
Pledge $100 or more
0 backers
A "becoming AWAKENING" DVD, two different signed posters- An original 11x17 "AWAKENING" poster plus the "becoming AWAKENING" poster, 8 postcards and a personal thank you note.
Pledge $250 or more
0 backers
See your name in Special Thanks in "becoming AWAKENING" film's end title crawl! A DVD, both posters, 20 postcards and a personal thank you note.
Pledge $500 or more
0 backers
A Special Thanks on the film website, your name in Special Thanks in "becoming AWAKENING" film's end title crawl, a DVD, 50 postcards and a personal thank you note.
Pledge $1,000 or more
0 backers
You will receive the ASSOCIATE PRODUCER title of 'becoming AWAKENING": your name will appear alphabetically during the end title crawl under the heading "Associate Producers". a DVD, both posters, 100 postcards and a personal thank you note.
Pledge $2,500 or more
0 backers
Two options: 1) You will receive 2 (Two) VIP Platinum Passes at the 44th WorldFest-Houston (Value at $1,000.00!). You and your guest will be our special guests to watch all films at the 44th WorldFest, attend all 6 Film Production Professional seminars, attend Awards Gala Dinner on April 17th, be our special guest at the Houston Yacht Club Regatta, have a VIP Tour of NASA, followed by a Texas BBQ, receive a Program book and Festival Poster SIGNED BY MAX! + all of the above (Canada shipping, please add $4, intl please add $6). Attention: this reward closes at April 12th at 1 PM, and ONLY if the entire pledge amount is met AND if there are still VIP tickets available (this is out of our hands, but the sooner you make a pledge, the sooner we can confirm your FREE VIP ticket). (Transportation to and from location not included), 100 postcards and a personal thank you note. 2) IF the pledge amount is not met or if you donate after 4/12, or, if you prefer, besides being listed as Associate Producer in end credit crawl, you, or someone of your choice can have a walk-in role to appear in Max's next short, and will receive acting credit as actor in the film's end credit crawl (Transportation to and from location not included), 100 postcards and a personal thank you note.
Pledge $5,000 or more
0 backers
You will receive 5 (Five!! Value $2,500.00) VIP Platinum Passes. (Bring family and friends and give them the first-hand experience as VIP to one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world) at the 44th WorldFest-Houston. PLUS you, or someone of your choice can have a walk-in role to appear in Max's next short, and will receive acting credit as actor in the film's end credit crawl (Transportation to and from location not included), or, instead of a walk-in role, your name will appear as EXECUTIVE PRODUCER (instead of Associate Producer or Actor) for "becoming AWAKENING" in the film's end credit crawl 100 postcards and a personal thank you note.
Funding period
- (31 days)