The entity of Death receives a new mission after the fall of all mankind.
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So, where has this been, and where is it potentially all going?
Death is a integral part of all of us. Every culture, every person and living thing will meet this powerful character at some point, so to us, Death is pretty scary. I wanted to create a story where, we as a collective, had meaning and purpose to the tasks of Death himself. Only, unbeknownst to him at that time, he was in for something so much more that being a dark, iconoclastic ferry-man to a group of whiny tourist heading towards a final destination.
I also want to explore the opportunities of a completely post apocalyptic story. Post apocalyptic in a total life sense, something outside the reaches of human emotion and reasoning, where now the shoe is definitely on the other foot as Death will encounter creatures so inconceivable complex, all encompassing and powerful, that he at many times in the story feels overpowered and pretty scared.
The eventual full circle of the story is that Death really has only one powerful weapon to use against these Demi-Gods, and that is his memories of watching the eventual stories of eons of human demises unfold, with unique parameters and lessons to each and every one. In almost centrifugal motion, these tiny occurrences on our realm have rippled across the vast reaches of time, space and reality to become blueprinted solutions to unraveling and undermining the notions and purposes of mega-sized opponents against Death. Our deaths, in this time know as “the time of fallen cross,” becomes the thought processes which provide answers to solving riddles, escaping sub-reality situations, defying and unraveling near impossible plots and defeating super beings who have never experienced the lowly and simply complicated - human being.
Death, in this connotation, has become a God-Hunter.
Why Grim Reaper 3017?
I wanted to use Grim Reaper 3017 as a back drop to show that no story and no life, no matter how small, or unheard of is insignificant. The lives that we never hear about in far off reaches of this world, or in times and eras of our existence, may actually provide the proverbial grease to the wheels against a powerful, ethereal foe and the check mated answers to claiming back opposing entities who stand in Death’s way. Grim Reaper 3017 clues in on the fact that all things have a purpose, including Death himself, as the story is designed to show that this is “The LIFE of Death,” and what he was actually created for; Human beings, in the case of Death’s course of existence, were only a high level of training ground for this much large scale of responsibility.
Grim Reaper 3017 is an epic sized, hardcore Fantasy tale. It is meant to be a vast, expansive, long running series of inter-dimensional travel of one of the ultimate and most universally renowned figures in the category of existence. Many creatures know him,(because they predated Death himself,) but few at this level fear him. This leaves Death little options but to use his brain and prior experiences to out fight, and sometimes out think, and/or out maneuver his opposing forces.
Grim Reaper 3017 (in my humble opinion,) is the story that Spawn had originally wanted to be. With a truly dark and broodingly sinister anti-hero, Grim Reaper 3017 re-embodies the tattered shawl wearing, corn scythe carrying skeleton, into the form of an ashen skin, muscular champion with glaring red energy stalagmite eyes. Death is reformed, and recast to represent the time of reclamation of the unknown.
This story is very dark, gritty, and surreal in depth on the topics of a singular being who is challenged with learning the aspects of an alternative existence, while being born and initially programmed to be something else. (Think Blade Runner with Agent and Replicant opposites, only the replicants in this story are way more interesting and powerful.) Death learns and eventually triumphs through reflections of the pathetic, and tragic, but also wonderfully heroic and self sacrificing conditions of the human spirit and soul. He gains a retrospective respect and admiration for human beings in the duration of the story, due to the fact that our memories to him, saves his life and prolongs his mission countless of times over.
My hope is to create Grim Reaper 3017 as a long running comic series, in either a print format, online format, or even interactively in a media format. It is my hopes to garner enough interest in this high concept story for a recurrent animation series or feature length films along the lines of – “Spawn, “ “Afro Samurai,” and the recently released “Dante’s Inferno.”
If you fancy a truly subliminal tale with a bad ass character who is faced by super bad ass villains and opponents, then he escapes by just the skin of his teeth, to bruised and batteredly fight again the next day and barley win, while all the while learning though questioning his every next move, then Grim Reaper 3017 will keep you enthralled and entertained like no other story before, and none since.
The artwork you see in this video is considered to be silver age artwork. It was drawn by a semi-famous artist, George O. DeLorenzo. I do make reference in the video of joining the city of Glendale, but that is because the video was created as an art submission for a particular job there. (Please overlook that.)
There are some comic companies who are considering this project, but the money is desired to hire an art, ink, and digital color team to produce the latest in cutting edge digital designs and product. I would like to develop animation reels to effectively pitch a concept of this magnitude with the look and feel for that utter skin crawling effect that the story is destined to give.
Have a question? If the info above doesn't help, you can ask the project creator directly.
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Project by
Colenso Evelyn
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You will be joining an epic journey, to tell a tale which can and will translate over to many cultures and people, as on Planet Earth, we all face Death, no matter who we are. You recieve an instant reward of my and my team's thanks for recognizing this story as being something worthwhile to read, watch and wonder upon. At this point, we also ask you to tell a friend and pass this great find along. ;-)
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A thank you email from Reapermission.com
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A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text)
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A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text) and copies of new production art for the reprisal story.
Pledge $30 or more
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A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text), copies of new production art for story the reprisal and printed splash pages from the silver age origin book.
Pledge $40 or more
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A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text) copies of new production art for the reprisal story, splash pages from the silver age origin book and a detailed synopsis of the partial overall story.
Pledge $50 or more
0 backers
A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text) copies of new production art for the reprisal story, splash pages from the silver age origin book, a detailed synopsis of the partial overall story and a bound print of the original silver age art origin book. (19 pages.)
Pledge $75 or more
0 backers
A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text) copies of new production art for the reprisal story, splash pages from the silver age origin book, a detailed synopsis of the partial overall story, a bound print of the original silver age art origin book. (19 pages.) A Reaper Mission T-Shirt.
Pledge $100 or more
0 backers
A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text) copies of new production art from the reprisal story, splash pages from the silver age origin book, a detailed synopsis of the partial overall story, aA thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text) copies of new production art, splash pages from silver age origin book detailed synopsis of the partial overall story , a bound print of the original silver age art origin book. (19 pages.) A Reaper Mission T-Shirt. A limited free subscription to the first 6 NEW books of Grim Reaper 3017 (if any books are printed.)
Pledge $200 or more
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A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text) copies of new production art reprisal of the story, splash pages from the silver age origin book, a detailed synopsis of the partial overall story, a bound print of the original silver age art origin book. (19 pages.) A Reaper Mission T-Shirt. A limited free subscription to the year (12) books of the NEW Grim Reaper 3017 (if any books are printed.)
Pledge $500 or more
0 backers
A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text) copies of new production art for the reprisal story, splash pages from the silver age origin book, a detailed synopsis of the partial overall story, a bound print of the original silver age art origin book. (19 pages.) A Reaper Mission T-Shirt. A limited free subscription to the year (12) books of the NEW Grim Reaper 3017 (if any books are printed.) and your face or image drawn in as a character of either a demon, Demi-God, hero, ally, villain, angel, creature, etc.
Pledge $1,000 or more
0 backers
A thank you email from Reapermission.com. Signed printed Grim Reaper 3017 comic book script. (Text) copies of new production art for the reprisal story, splash pages from the silver age origin book, a detailed synopsis of the partial overall story, a bound print of the original silver age art origin book. (19 pages.) A Reaper Mission T-Shirt. A limited free subscription to the year (12) books of the NEW Grim Reaper 3017 (if any books are printed.) and your face or image drawn in as a character of either a demon, Demi-God, hero, ally, villain, angel, creature, etc. Your chance to submit a story line for consideration in the series and a credit in the published book.
Funding period
- (60 days)