Rasaka lands Midwest premiere to Rajiv Josephs masterful play. Help us produce this brilliant modern love story.
Rasaka Theatre Company is the Midwest’s first South Asian American theater company. Our goal is to increase diversity among artists and audience by engaging and illuminating the South Asian American experience. We are particularly dedicated to providing a platform for the artistic expression of South Asian artists. We are thrilled to have landed these hot rights and need your support to produce the project the right way and do it justice.
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pledged of
seconds to go
- First created · 2 backed
- Kamal Joseph Hans 1023 friends
- rasakatheatre.com
Pledge $10 or more
0 backers
Thank you on Rasaka's Website
Estimated delivery: -
Pledge $30 or more
0 backers
A Poster signed by the Cast and 1 Ticket to the show, and everything listed above
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Pledge $50 or more
0 backers
a Rasaka Candle Basket, and everything else listed above
Estimated delivery: -
Pledge $100 or more
0 backers
A copy of Rajiv Joseph play (including Gruesome Playground Injuries) and everything else listed above
Estimated delivery: -
Pledge $150 or more
0 backers
Personalized Filmed Thank You from Cast & Crew, 2 Tickets to the show, and everything else listed above
Estimated delivery: -
Pledge $300 or more
0 backers
Credit as an Associate Producer and 4 Tickets to the show, and everything else listed above.
Estimated delivery:
Funding period
- (28 days)