We seek funding to record a 12 song collection of our original music.
The band The Lords of Traction was founded years ago as the result of a common interest in British guitar rock. This beginning has evolved over the years to an overall sound that is guitar heavy and complex with positive, cerebral and reflective lyrics
We seek here on Kickstarter $15,000.00 to produce the band’s first studio recorded 12 song collection of our original music. This 12 song collection will be known as, At the Event Horizon. Our goal is to produce a work that is both critically acclaimed as well as commercially successful.
To bring our objective from idea to a fixed form suitable for commerce our plan calls for funds to pay for actually recording and mastering the 12 songs, to produce actual copies in a variety of audio formats and to provide a rewards budget for our generous contributors. Because the band lacks a web presence, funds are also needed to establish a website where our music will be available for sale. Finally, both Kickstarter and Amazon charge fees that must be paid from the money we raise here and this amount is included in our final funding goal.
We would feel that our objective will be reached and responsibility fulfilled to Kickstarter guidelines when all rewards are fulfilled and anyone can merely go to our website and purchase the 12 song collection we would make from the funds derived from this campaign. Our plan is to release At the Event Horizon to the public in September, 2012.
Please do bear in mind at this point that if we fail to meet our funding goal by the end of this campaign, no money will change hands and the endeavor will remain, merely, an idea. Our budget was created to ask for only the minimum required to bring At the Event Horizon to the marketplace. Any contributions in excess of our goal will be spent on higher production values and promotion to drive traffic to the website for commerce.
As an incentive for your contributions we are offering rewards which would be classified largely as band memorabilia and free, pre release copies of At the Event Horizon. The specific details of these rewards are explained on the right side of this page.
Essentially, the smaller contributors will be rewarded with downloads, CDs and cover artwork prints. Middle contributors will be made official “Under Lords” and will additionally receive a limited production gold colored metal medallion which will be referred to as a Lords of Traction MBE. The two patrons who contribute above $2,500.00 will additionally receive, each, one of the two guitars used on At The Event Horizon’s recordings. These two professional instruments actually shape the overall sound of the band and may be historically significant someday.
It is only after careful consideration, preparation and more than ample reflection that we have concluded that At the Event Horizon has a reason for being and would make a worthwhile addition to our established music culture. Please help us reach this goal by generously contributing today toward its existence.
Thank you for your support of our collective arts and culture.
Have a question? If the info above doesn't help, you can ask the project creator directly.
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Pledge $1 or more
0 backers
When you pledge $1.00 please accept our eternal thanks and gratitude as your reward.
Estimated delivery: -
Pledge $10 or more
0 backers
Those who pledge at least $10.00 or more will be rewarded with a free download of the entire 12 song collection prior to its release to the public at large.
Estimated delivery: -
Pledge $30 or more
0 backers
Those who contribute at least $30.00 or more will be rewarded with a copy of the 12 song collection on CD prior to release. Because of postage costs we must require that any contributor outside the continental USA contribute at lease $40.00.
Estimated delivery: -
Pledge $75 or more
0 backers
Those who contribute at least $75.00 will receive a copy of the 12 song collection on CD, a signed color cover artwork print and will be acknowledged on our website as one of the contributors that made it all possible.
Estimated delivery: -
Pledge $250 or more
0 backers Limited (75 left of 75)
As a reward for your true patronage you will be made an official "Under Lord" and receive a limited edition gold colored metal medallion which is referred to as a Lords of Traction MBE. You also receive the CD, the cover artwork print and your name will be listed in the liner notes as an Associate Executive Producer. Remember, only 75 Lords of Traction MBEs will be available.
Estimated delivery: -
Pledge $2,500 or more
0 backers Limited (2 left of 2)
The two patrons who contribute at or above $2,500.00 will receive all heretofore mentioned rewards plus each will receive one of the two guitars used on At The Event Horizon’s recordings. The first guitar is known as a Stratobastard and is a custom built Strat-type guitar. The second guitar is a Joe Morrell lap steel. Both are professional instruments modified for optimum performance, however, are not valuable on their own. They do shape the overall sound of the recordings and may be historically significant someday. The Joe Morrell will go to the first patron who contributes $2,500.00 and the Stratobastard will be awarded to the second.
Estimated delivery:
Funding period
- (38 days)