The purpose of this book project is to help others dealing with handicaps find the courage to fulfill their dreams.
Those with handicaps aren’t disabled, but are differently abled. Stories from A Loving Father is a collection of short stories written by Christian author Harrison Kelly. His works have been read around the world and published in 40 different languages. The photographs were shot by Linda Reed and her abilities add realism and depth for your enjoyment. Harrison and Linda have teamed in this book to highlight the works of the handicapped. Both deal with life every day facing obstacles. Harrison has dealt with the effects of Multiple Sclerosis for six years. Often, he uses a wheelchair in public due to his condition. Linda has created her photographs dealing with limited vision and colorblindness. Facts about some of the stories: “ The Not-So-White Christmas Gift” was first published in the New York Times #1 Best Seller , The 2nd Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul. Over 12 million copies have been published. “ Way Above Par” was one of the stories in the New York Times #1 Best Seller, Chicken Soup for the Golfer Soul ( First Edition). “ Our Friendship Tree” was published in Alice Gray’s Stories for a Man’s Heart and Stories for a Teen’s Heart, and Reader’s Digest . It was placed on the No Child Left Behind High School Graduation Test for the state of California. Stories from a Loving Father will be a 108-page coffee table book printed in full color. Featuring natural photographs, this book will be suitable for doctor’s offices, professional waiting rooms, and corporate lobbies. All monies obtained through Kickstarter.com will be used for initial printing and promotional costs. We will attend professional and commercial conventions to sell the book to the general public. We will appreciate any donations to help us bring attention to those dealing with physical handicaps. More information available at: foundationsofloveandhope.com.
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Project by
Harrison Kelly
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- foundationsofloveandho...
Pledge $1 or more
0 backers
Our eternal gratitude, a quick prayer, and a smile tossed in your direction.
Pledge $5 or more
0 backers
An Elvis Presley postcard from Graceland, mailed to you from Memphis. ( We will sign it with a big ol' E ...just for mystery)
Pledge $10 or more
0 backers
Your name listed in Acknowledgements section and 5 postcards from photographs in our book, with Bible verses on them, suitable for framing..
Pledge $30 or more
0 backers
Autographed copy of "Stories from A Loving Father" when published, your name listed in Acknowledgements, and 10 postcards.
Pledge $50 or more
0 backers
Autographed "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book with one of Harrison"s stories, your name listed in Acknowledgements, and 10 postcards.
Pledge $100 or more
0 backers Limited (40 left of 40)
A signed 11 x 14 print of one of our photographs, Autographed "Stories from A Loving Father", Acknowledgements, and 15 postcards.
Pledge $500 or more
0 backers Limited (10 left of 10)
18 x 24 canvas print, Autographed "Stories from A Loving Father", Autographed "Chicken Soup for the Soul", Special Acknowledgement, and 20 postcards.
Funding period
- (45 days)